Search Novice

We're all searching for something.

24 January 2007

SEO Tools From Around the Web

As the title suggests, below is a list of free tools that are available from various SEO-focused websites. I have used all of these with varying degrees of success, and my comments are included where they are applicable.

Keyword Research

Keyword Suggestion Tool from - This is perhaps the most efficient keyword suggestion tool on the web today, especially now that they've added csv support, so that you can export your results to a very usable format. Aggregates keyword suggestions from wordtracker, Google, and Yahoo!.

Keyword Cloud Tool from - Returns a visual representation of keywords used on a website. Keywords having higher density are showed in a larger fonts.

General SEO Research

SearchStatus for Firefox from - Perhaps the most useful SEO-related browser plugin for Firefox. Of course, it's only of use if you use Firefox - NOT Internet Explorer - for all your browsing needs. Makes available all kinds of information about whatever site happen to be viewing at the moment, including:
  • Robots.txt file, if one exists;
  • All backlinks from around the web;
  • Keyword density for keywords you specify;
  • Whois data for the site;
  • Any nofollow links on the current page;
  • All indexed pages on Google, Yahoo!, or MSN.
Link Research

Site Explorer from Yahoo! - This is an invaluable area of Yahoo!'s vast network, devoted completely to tools that help you analyze any website. In particular, the Site Explorer is helpful in searching for any or all backlinks to any site or page. Also displays any internal links. Any results can also be exported to tab-separated values format for easy use with Excel.

Search Engine Results

Google Ranking Tool from - Displays rankings from all major search engines for domain on any keyword that you specify. You must supply Google SOAP API key, which is freely available here.

More tools will be added in the future! Keep checking back.