Search Novice

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09 May 2007

Frequency Matters!

I found a very informative and helpful post at ConverStations, the blog of Mike Sansone, a Conversation Conductor who lives in Iowa. What a job. For more about Mike, click here.

Frequent and Consistent Posting Does Matter

In the last few months, I've had customers/prospects tell me that frequent and consistent posting isn't important. Wrong. Especially at the beginning.

They insisted that if blogs are such a great thing, they didn't need to update that often. Sounds like a cob-web strategy to me. Sounds like they either don't want to put in the work or it's just not a priority. But for a blog to be successful, the blogger must put in the work.


Ok. I know. You're thinking, "duh." Well, we all should be. But his post is pretty true to life, I think. People naturally are going to want more output than input. That's convenience - they call it the American way these days.

Thinking about it from an SEO perspective, pings are never generated when the blog is static, so it doesn't make sense to "strive" for a static entity that will consistently rank highly in the SERPs. The mentality actually goes against everything I said in my inaugural post about the nature of the SEO industry. Nobody ever arrives. It's very existential, very postmodern. Experience is everything, and experiences are by nature fleeting - therefore, SEO does not end. It's the never ending project. That's why you hire a web design team if you're a firm or a company. Or, that's why you become an SEO consultant.

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