Search Novice

We're all searching for something.

17 May 2007

Helping us get our Google on

Google just announced "Second Query" improvements to its search, to which I can only say, "awesome." The new improvements will launch a second query when a user performs a search, if it judges that the user could get more relevant results with a related (second) query. The SERP will then show the results of both queries, giving the user better results.

Perhaps more impressive are the new translation improvements, which will allow Google to translate a query into another language, find results, and then translate those results into the original query language to present to the user.

I think we know that the big wigs at Google and Yahoo are trying to build their search engines so that when grandma tries to search for "gold diamond ring," she gets exactly what she's looking for. It all depends on how they structure the SERP, but this is most likely going closer to that goal.

My question is, "what is this going to do to ad placement?" If you bought a top placement for the 1st query, will your placement be affected because Google judges that a 2nd query would have given the user what they wanted?

Conversely, what if you buy top placement for the 2nd query? Will your results get top billing now, or will the ones from the 1st query get to pull rank?

My gut says that the ads shown will be ones most relevant to the 2nd search. If Google has the opportunity to show ads that are more relevant, then I don't think they are going to pass it up.

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