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15 June 2007

The Google Privacy Debate Rages On

Relevant articles:

Dave Naylor a UK SEO » DaveN » Google and Privacy
Google Blog: How Long Should Google Remember Searches?
Int'l Herald-Tribune: The Face Behind AOL User 4417749

I could go on posting links, but I'm not a link farm, and I only have so much time. OK. Enough with the silly business here. Google is coming under some serious fire these days, and I don't believe that they are worthy of such scrutiny. In light of the IHT article especially, they've shown themselves to be up to the task that has tripped up other big players - namely AOL. At this point, internet use, though so common, is still a choice. Use of Google's services is a further choice beyond the choice to use the internet.

I think it is like driving a car. The standard that people are setting up for Google and other ISPs is like trying to make car manufacturers prevent all accidents on the road. Obviously, in the case of cars, different people out there are going to misuse their Ford Mustang, play chicken, customize it too much, make mistakes while driving, and unintentionally make themselves vulnerable to wrecks. There are others out there who are going to take their F-350 and ram it into a Walgreen's store, hook it up to the ATM inside, and drive off with the ATM in tow. The laws of the land don't hold car manufacturers accountable for wrecks that are the result of misuse. However, they do hold the manufacturer liable for things that result from blatant mistakes in construction of the cars. This is when a recall is issued.

Basically, I'm trying to say that the reporters out there are holding Google to a standard that is too high. Google is not a bank, and while they have an obligation not to make mistakes that would compromise the privacy of millions of users, they have definitely, in my opinion, shown themselves to be up to the task.


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