Search Novice

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02 June 2007

The Value of PageRank

Paul Barrett's post at Apple Pie & Custard about Google PageRank:

It's early, so I figured I'd comment on this article, since it's short and to the point, and commenting on it would not take too long. PageRank is something that has baffled me for a while, as another one of those things in the field of SEO that is good to have, but is not exactly essential to good visibility. The crazy thing is, we know that it is part of the mix somehow, but we don't really know exactly how - it just another one of those weird puzzle pieces to SEO. We know it fits, but we don't always know just where. For example, the Google blogger page that I'm using to write this post has a PageRank of 7, but each page in my website at work a PageRank of 3, even though the site hundreds of pages of content, all interlinked, with several inbound links from outside sources. We've never been able to raise the PageRank, even though I've been able to increase in SERPs considerably over the past year.

So, I guess I'm just saying that I wish there was an A+B=C equation in this business for something, mostly so that I could go show my boss something that is certain, and he could say, "well, I'm glad you found that out..," or something like that.

That's my ramble for the morning. Enjoy.

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